Wednesday, October 30, 2024
(As published in my book, The Best (and Worst) of the Video Vacuum)
Jane Fonda took the world by storm in the ‘80s when she released the Jane Fonda’s Workout video. Soon after, every female celebrity from Cher to Traci Lords had workout tapes on video store shelves. Heck, even Designing Women’s Dixie Carter made a workout, which goes to show you that anyone could make one. Probably the high watermark for the workout video was Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout. It’s not much of a workout video or anything, but it does serve as the perfect sampler of her work as the reigning scream queen of the ‘80s. (Although why anyone would watch this to work out anything other than their right hand is beyond me.)
The tape starts off with a terrific shower scene. And it is one of the greatest shower scenes in Linnea’s illustrious career. And if you’ve seen the many shower scenes Linnea has done over the years, you know that comes as high praise.
Linnea then gives herself a pretty funny introduction: “I’m the girl who’s usually impaled on antlers or eaten by zombies in movies!” She talks directly to the camera and host a collection of clips from her various movies including Creepozoids, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, and Vice Academy. What’s particularly great about this segment is that she’s wearing a studded black leather S & M leather bikini. And much of her dialogue is pretty funny. While talking about her immortal Dance of the Double Chainsaws scene in Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, she says, “Ginger Rogers had Fred Astaire! I had Black and Decker!” (We also get to see some cool 8mm home movies of a young Linnea too.)
Most of the clips show off Linnea’s tough and spunky side. They almost always show her fighting someone (like Ginger Lynn Allen) or something (like a killer rat). This segment justifies her need to keep in shape. As if you needed justification to see Linnea working out in a skimpy studded black leather S & M bikini.
Then the “exercise” portion of the flick begins. First, she does a lot of splits and side bends before doing some various stretching techniques while splayed out on the floor. Oh, and by the way; if you’re looking to get a great workout from this tape, forget it. There are no “instructional” parts of the video; just Linnea narrating and telling jokes over footage of her gyrating and doing sit-ups and stuff.
After the stretching scene, Linnea then goes out jogging past a cemetery. Before long, a bunch of zombies rise from the grave and chase her. Finally, she chastises them for being out of shape and makes them do some calisthenics and dance moves. But while this scene is sound in theory, it’s not very funny and goes on far too long. Linnea’s boob does pop out of her torn up t-shirt at one point though, so it’s not like it’s intolerable or anything.
Afterwards, there’s a scene where Linnea gathers together some babes for a slumber party where they have pillow fights and watch Linnea singing “Santa Monica Boulevard Boys” from Nightmare Sisters. Then they all do a bunch of gyrating in their nighties to a heavy synth beat. Like the previous sequence, it’s a good idea, but it just runs on a bit too long.
The girls then get picked off one by one by a knife-wielding killer in a Ronald Reagan mask. Again, there is some okay moments here (like when a decapitated head lands in a toilet), but some of the jokes fall flat (like when the killer stabs a victim dozens of times, but she doesn’t die). And the final gag is predictable and not very funny.
Ultimately, Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout is a bit of a mixed bag. The scenes of Linnea showing clips from her films are a lot of fun, but the actual “workout” part of the film leaves something to be desired. And I’m not talking from a fitness standpoint either. I know this thing needed a lot of padding to get to its hour running time (there’s even bloopers during the credits to help extend the running time), but many of the scenes are poorly choreographed and/or wear out their welcome fast.
But if you are a Linnea Quigley fan such as I am, this will be an essential addition to your collection. It features some great clips from her movies and gives a nice peek at Linnea just being Linnea. I can’t quite give it a Four Star rating because a lot of the exercise scenes go on forever, but this is a great time capsule of Linnea in her heyday. And being such a fan of Linnea, I can’t quite ask for anything more.