Tuesday, July 16, 2024

FOXY FOOD FIGHT (1987) ***

Women’s mud wrestling is one of the finest American institutions known to man. I mean how do you top that?  Well, you replace mud with food. 

The pre-entertainment show features contestants coming out dressed up as various foods like bananas, grapes, and hamburgers.  At first, I was afraid things were gonna get too literal with the gals wrestling in food costumes.  Luckily, they quickly eschewed their food-themed wardrobe, donned some bikinis, and went into action.  Oh, and the ring announcer was dressed as a chef, which I thought was a nice touch. 

The first fight has two bikini-clad combatants rolling around in a bed of lettuce.  During the match, one gal shoves a fistful of lettuce down the back of her opponent’s thong which gives new meaning to the term “tossing the salad”.  The main course finds two contestants battling in a pool of spaghetti.  Cooked pasta, as it turns out, also makes for an effective whip.  This match also includes a great moment where one of the fighters shoves the noodles inside her thong and shakes it around like a horse’s tail.  The “Dessert Round” finds the wrassling women going toe to toe in a vat of whipped cream. 

The video cinematography is acceptable for what it is.  It was filmed at the Whisky a Go-Go rather than some random strip club, so you know it’s a classy affair.  The editing is a little weird at times as every fighter’s entrance is shown as part of the same segment.  I mean, it would’ve made more sense to only show their entrance for each contestants’ fight.  (The random use of slow motion during the fights doesn’t really work either.)  Then again, it’s hard to complain when they all enter the ring in sexy themed outfits like Miss America, an Air Force officer, and a pirate. 

There’s also a neat gimmick of new food being added in between rounds like carrots and tomatoes in the salad fight, tomato sauce in spaghetti fight, and cherries are added in during dessert.  While there are many near-nips slips, everything is pretty PG-13 for the most part.  Sure, it won’t replace women’s mud wrestling any time soon, but Foxy Food Fight offers up a fun variation on the theme, nevertheless. 

Foxy Oil Wrestling followed. 

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