Thursday, March 10, 2022


This second installment in the Trailer-A-Rama series is a big improvement in just about every way.  There are still some newer films here (Battlefield Stadium, Duck!  The Carbine High Massacre, and Flesh for the Beast), and at least one of those annoying recut trailers (for The Witch Who Came from the Sea), but not nearly as many as in the previous entry in the series.  (Seeing promotions for a film’s website at the end of a trailer just isn’t as fun as seeing the words, “Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You”.)  

It helps that there is a good mix of rare (like Beauty and the Cave) and offbeat (like Voodoo Village) trailers mixed in with the stone-cold classics (like Requiem for a Vampire).  As an added attraction, there are some spook show ads, drive-in snipes, and even a random nudie short horror film peppered in there to keep things lively.  Also, it runs a good half-hour shorter than the first compilation, which helps the abbreviated running time fly by.

Fans of Something Weird will enjoy it as it contains a lot of their titles (A Taste of Blood, Blood Suckers, and Swamp Girl), or at least trailers that have the Something Weird Video watermark.  Some of my favorite trailers were the double feature of The Vampire’s Coffin and The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy (“It could only be shown at midnight!”), The Maniacs (an Italian sex comedy directed by Lucio Fulci and starring Barbara Steele!), and Hot Pants Holiday, which looks more like a voodoo movie than a skin flick.  Speaking of which, there are a lot of trailers for films about voodoo (Macumba Love, The Dead One, and The Devil’s Garden) and witchcraft (The Witch’s Curse, Virgin Witch, and Witchcraft).  We also get to see such familiar faces as Vincent Price (Scream and Scream Again), Donald Pleasence (The Mutations), and Lon Chaney, Jr. (The Haunted Palace), popping up every now and then, which adds to the fun.

The full compilation includes:  A Taste of Blood, a vintage nudie short, Battlefield Stadium (AKA:  Battlefield Baseball), Beauty and the Cave, Blood Suckers, Bourbon Street Shadows, Caged Virgins (AKA:  Requiem for a Vampire), Duck!  The Carbine High Massacre, Flesh for the Beast, Hot Pants Holiday, I Bury the Living, The Legend of Blood Castle, Macumba Love, Metal Skin, Scream and Scream Again, a double feature for The Vampire’s Coffin and The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, Swamp Girl, The Devil’s Garden, The Haunted Palace, The Maniacs, The Mutations, The Oracle, The Witch Who Came from the Sea, The Witch’s Curse, Twisted Issues, Virgin Witch, Voodoo Village, We Await, and Witchcraft.  

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