Friday, August 10, 2018

TRANCERS 6 (2002) ½ *

Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson, who is only briefly seen in outtakes from the other Trancers movies while on a video monitor) is once again “sent down the line” back to the past (which is still the future to us).  His consciousness winds up in the body of his daughter (Zette Sullivan), a scientist who is studying the sudden appearance of an alien meteor.  Once getting acclimated to his new body, Jack sets out to stop a plot cooked up by his daughter’s evil boss who is using the meteor to spawn a new army of Trancers.

Seeing Sullivan trying to talk tough and act like Thomerson is a soul-crushing experience.  The body swapping idea could’ve worked, but she just isn’t convincing at playing Deth.  Her monotone delivery is often slurred and mumbled, which makes the already unfunny jokes fall flat.  Since virtually the whole movie is about a man trapped in a woman’s body, it’s shocking how little is actually done with the concept.  Even when they do try to comment on the situation, it is handled so clumsily that it borders on embarrassing.

It also doesn’t help that the effects, acting, and cinematography are about on par with a Witchcraft sequel.  Strike that.  That’s an insult to the Witchcraft sequels, which can be at least sporadically entertaining under the right circumstances.  The only good part comes when Sullivan sticks test tubes into a Trancer’s eyes, but that nifty moment is woefully short lived. 

I’m not sure how I survived the agonizing seventy-nine-minute running time, which seemed at least triple that.  I thought some of the Trancers sequels were bad, but this one is such a mind-numbing bore that I might have to retroactively add an extra Half Star to their reviews just to give them some distance from this turd.  This one killed so many of my brain cells that I’m starting to think I’ve become a Trancer myself.

AKA:  Future Cop 6.  AKA:  Trancers 6:  Life After Deth.

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