Saturday, November 23, 2019


After Rudolf Hess flees Germany, his close friend, Colonel von Uhland (Ezio Miani) is ordered to be executed by the firing squad.  It all turns out to be a ruse by the Nazis, who want him to lure a group of disloyal party members into a trap.  Von Uhland discovers all their peculiar vices and sets up a meeting in a makeshift brothel where he plans to assassinate them.  He enlists the help of several sex-crazed women fresh from the loony bin to tempt the men by catering to their darkest fetishes, including S & M, lactation, and (REALLY) young girls.  

That’s just a rundown of the plot.  The REAL story is we get Nazi boot fucking, lesbianism, breastfeeding, gangbangs, rape by gunpoint (and I don’t mean rape “at” gunpoint, I mean rape BY gunpoint), S & M floorshows, champagne baths, and orgies. 

At 109 minutes, The Red Nights of the Gestapo is probably too long for its own good.  As wonderfully disgusting as the movie is, there are some definite lulls in between the filth.  No matter how many talky, badly dubbed dialogue scenes you have to sit through, it’s worth it once it starts delivering the icky goods.  I mean what else can you say about a film that contains a doctor who runs a nuthouse for nymphomaniac masochists who’ve been trained to harm themselves while in the throes of ecstasy… and that’s just merely a minor plot point?  I think my favorite moment though was when a woman dressed in drag as Hitler and touched herself while repeatedly screaming, “Heil!” 

In short, The Red Nights of the Gestapo is sicker than your average Naziploitation movie.  It’s also one of the kinkiest Naziploitation flicks I’ve ever seen.  That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the BEST, but there’s plenty of sleaze to go around.  It should be enough to make the most jaded exploitation fan sit up and take notice. 

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