Wednesday, July 26, 2023


In the future, an AI-enhanced cyborg becomes self-aware and escapes from a laboratory.  A couple on a nature hike have the misfortune of running into the rogue robot, who kills them.  Eventually, a SWAT team is sent out to take down the angry android once and for all.  

Although Demon Predator is only forty-seven minutes long, this Dustin (Amityville in the Hood) Ferguson-directed dreck still feels heavily padded.  There’s a longwinded Star Wars-inspired opening crawl, a slow-moving credits sequence, never-ending driving scenes, and some nauseating Found Footage segments of the couple traipsing through the desert.  All that just adds up to a whole lot of nothing.  

The robot is the best thing about the movie, which isn’t saying a whole lot.  Sure, the stop-motion effects that bring it to life are kind of crappy, but I’d rather watch a toy robot moving around via stop-motion animation than some shoddy CGI creation any day.  It’s a shame too, because the early scene where it skedaddles out of the lab had promise.  

However, all hope that this was going to be a good flick was shattered once things switched over to the Found Footage format.  The long scenes of the couple wandering around the middle of nowhere often feel like some YouTuber’s nature hike video that inexplicably got spliced into the movie.  It’s like someone trying to pass their vacation videos off as a sci-fi action thriller.  The picture sinks even further downhill when it stops on a dime for an extended, cheap-looking, and dull News Report segment where a reporter interviews a scientist at length about the rampaging robot.  

Ferguson himself must’ve gotten bored with all this shit as he finally switches gears in the last ten minutes and tries to make it look like an actual movie.  (Which is to say it’s a lame, no-budget Predator rip-off.)  By then, it’s too little too late.  We’ve been jerked around so much that by the time the climax comes around, we would gladly accept ANY resolution as long as it meant the flick was over.

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