Friday, March 7, 2025


Cody Renee Cameron and Robin Sydney return for their fourth Barbie and Kendra movie for Charles Band’s Full Moon Features.  This time out, Barbie (Cameron) and Kendra (Sydney) grow restless with their nonexistent love life and wonder if the perfect man even exists.  When they see Joe Bob Briggs on TV, they know what they have to do:  Hop on their motorcycle, drive to Vegas, and meet him at his third annual Drive-In Jamboree. 

Joe Bob has appeared in cameos in various movies and TV shows as himself, but he probably deserves his own movie by now.  (Hogzilla notwithstanding.)  Although he’s usually a blast to watch, I have to say poor Joe Bob looks slightly bewildered by all this.  I know he officiated Band’s marriage to Sydney during an episode of The Last Drive-In, which makes me wonder if having him starring in this movie was part of the prenup.  Darcy the Mail Girl (Diana Prince, who also appeared in Band’s famous T & A 2) seems to be having fun though. 

The movie is at its best when it’s taking humorous jabs at the horror convention crowd.   Sleepaway Camp’s Felissa Rose is funny as the bitchy developer who wants to tear down the drive-in and put up a golf course who is disgusted by the “sea of black t-shirts”.  Scary Movie’s Dave Sheridan also pops up playing himself signing autographs. 

Acting as filler is a mash-up of Ruby and Turkish Exorcist that’s been given a new What’s Up Tiger Lily-style comedic soundtrack.  This stretch of the film is the weakest as the jokes are lame and obvious.  Everything from Me Too to Jeffrey Epstein is namedropped, but it doesn’t exactly translate into laughs.  I did like the part when Stuart Whitman drives a car through the drive-in screen playing the Exorcist rip-off and said, “The power of Chrysler compels you!”

Thankfully, at fifty minutes, it all runs rather smoothly.  In fact, this is easily the best of the Barbie and Kendra movies.  That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement to be sure, but it’s probably worth watching once if you’re a fan of Joe Bob and/or The Last Drive-In. 

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