Alicia Vikander stars as Lara Croft in this mildly entertaining reboot of the video game franchise. Her dead father (Dominic West) leaves behind a puzzle box, which sends her on a wild goose chase to find a hidden island in the Pacific. There, she finds an ancient tomb that’s hiding a secret that could bring about the end of the world.
You know, the first action scene where Lara participates in a “fox hunt” bicycle chase didn’t exactly inspire confidence. Fortunately, once she arrives on the island, the action improves greatly. Director Roar Uthaug (now that’s a name for ya!) delivers a memorable sequence where Lara narrowly escapes going over a waterfall by hoisting herself aboard the rusty wreckage of a plane that immediately begins to crumble. While much of the film is pedestrian, this exciting scene is worthy of an Indiana Jones movie. The finale in the tomb feels like something out of an Indiana Jones flick as well, albeit in a more derivative manner. (The scenes with Lara and her dad are reminiscent of The Last Crusade too.)
Not only does the film get better once the action ramps up, it also gets a much needed shot in the arm when Walton Goggins finally appears as the villain. He’s sort of the Belloq to Croft’s Indiana Jones. His slimy character is far from his best work, but at least he gives Vikander a menacing figure to play off of.
Speaking of which, Vikander is OK as Croft. Since this is an origin story, she spends about half the movie being demure and homely. Eventually, she becomes the globe-hopping adventurer we all recognize. It just takes a while before the transformation is complete. (She doesn’t even get her trademark guns until the final scene.)
That said, she still can’t hold a candle to Angelina Jolie. I mean Jolie’s Tomb Raider movies sucked, but at least she was smoking hot. At any rate, say what you will about this Tomb Raider, at least it’s better than the Jolie films. That’s a low bar to be sure, but hey, it’s something.
the Jolie films were damn good you're wrong there.