Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Kill the Scream Queen is a neo-snuff movie that tries to be edgy and realistic, but only succeeds in being repetitive and boring.  It follows the exploits of a killer (writer/director Bill Zebub) as he lures women to an abandoned strip club, makes them disrobe for the camera, ties them up, rapes them, and kills them.  That’s about it as far as the “plot” goes.
Although it features a lot of nudity, none of this is remotely sexy.  It also contains a lot of blood, but it’s not scary either.  The skull mask the killer wears is pretty stupid too.  (It looks like Skeletor’s drunk cousin.)
For a movie called Kill the Scream Queen, the film is woefully light on actual Scream Queens.  The only legitimate Scream Queen in the cast is Debbie Dutch.  Unfortunately, she doesn’t stick around long enough for you to get your Scream Queen fix.
The movie is only 75 minutes long, but you’ll swear it was longer.  To pad out the running time, Zebub uses a lot of slow motion, puts in a lot of useless outtakes during the end credits, and spends a long time lingering on the artwork of the club (it looks like something off the side of a detailed van from the ‘70s).  Even though it’s cruddy in just about every respect, the sheer amount of boobs in this thing is enough to save it from being a One Star flick.

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