Friday, March 10, 2023


After a brief travelogue tour of New Orleans, the plot begins.  Burlesque dancer Julianne (herself) gets a surprise visit from her boyfriend, who has no idea she’s a stripper.  She tells him she has to “go to work” and says they’ll get together later in the evening.  While kicking around the city, he wanders into a Burlesque house where Julianne is the star attraction and he learns the hard way his girlfriend is “The Baby Doll of Bourbon Street”.

Of course, the “plot” is secondary (tertiary?  quaternary?) to the Burlesque acts.  If anything, Naughty New York exists to replicate the experience of going to a Burlesque show.  The mildly amusing host (“Pat Patrick”) does a stand-up act and announces the dancers, who take off most, but not all, of their clothes.  (Most of them wear panties under their panties and bras under their bras.)  Sometimes, a third-rate Abbott and Costello comedy duo come out for some lame sketches.  There’s also an African American tapdancing duo in there too.

Honestly, the real reason to see it is for the strippers.  There’s a French girl, a can-can number, and a Mexican spitfire, just to name a few.  The most memorable act is a tassel twirler who even has a tassel on her ass.  Julianne is the closer, and no wonder as she does the most energetic and feisty striptease.  

Naughty New Orleans is kind of review-proof in a way, especially if you know what you’re getting yourself into.  It contains 20% plot and 80% Burlesque show.  Anyone hoping for a different ratio of plot to Burlesque acts is going to be severely disappointed.  The brief running time (it’s just over an hour long) certainly helps too.  Sure, the comedy duo sketches are the weakest part (the train station sketch goes on far too long), and there isn’t any actual nudity to be found.  However, as an archeological relic of a bygone era, it’s relatively amusing.

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