Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Hot Shorts is the follow-up to the Firesign Theatre’s J-Men Forever.  Like that flick, it’s an assemblage of clips from various old serials from the ‘40s that have been redubbed and given new comedy plotlines.  Only this time, instead of having a linear plot, it’s just a few unconnected shorts, which kind of makes it go down smoother.  Basically, it’s a precursor to (and was a big influence on) Mystery Science Theater 3000.  

The first serial has a Mountie trying to round up a villain named “Herpes”.  The next is about a heist at a sperm bank by villains who want to clone Richard Nixon.  Then, we have a tale about smokers going to war with non-smokers and the only one who can save them is a superhero named Captain Smoke Stopper.  Next up is a tale of Nazis cooking up a devilish diet plan.  That’s followed by a short about a pair of secret agents named Ken and Barbie trying to stop a pirate who’s selling knockoff toys.  Then, there’s a short about moviemakers heading into the jungle to sign a stand-up comedian (who just so happens to be a giant lobster) for their next picture.  After that, we have a tale of a Russian scientist using steroids (and robots) to win the next Olympics.  The next segment involves operatives from “Big Brother” trying to take control of the last gun on Earth.  The final short is about the ramifications of God allowing Californians into Heaven. 

I remember staying up late and watching this as a kid back in the day on Night Flight and loving it, even if much of the jokes went over my head.  Viewing it now, it’s more than a little uneven in spots, and is overall pretty rough around the edges.  However, that’s part of its charm.  Sure, there are some long stretches between the laughs, but when it hits the sweet spot of surreal serial silliness, it really works.  (It helps too if you’re a fan of some of the serials featured like The Undersea Kingdom and Radar Men from the Moon.)  They definitely knew what they were doing playing it late at night on Night Flight because it plays much better if you’re a little loopy, sleep deprived, and/or stoned. 

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