Wednesday, May 29, 2024




Trailblazing trans exploitation movie star Ajita Wilson stars as an ace reporter sent to do a story on a sex guru.  Meanwhile, she’s got a hot lead on a story about an exclusive sex club that caters to the rich and elite that could make or break her career.  Adding to her troubles is the fact that her on again/off again bout of nymphomania is decidedly on again. 

Produced by the legendary international czar of sleaze, Dick (Pieces) Randall, Black Deep Throat is certainly a curiosity piece.  You might think it’s a porno because of the title.  Although there are certainly moments that flirt with XXX (like the scene where Wilson seduces a man and his roommate or the final orgy sequence), it’s more of a Woodward and Bernstein deal than a Lovelace and Reems.  That said, once the action switches to the sex club, it becomes more or less nonstop softcore sex.  These scenes aren’t exactly great, but you have to admire the devotion to quantity over quality. 

Despite its appearance in Severin’s The Sensual World of Black Emanuelle box sex, this isn’t really a Black Emanuelle movie.  (Although it plays like a loose remake of Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade).  However, the participation of Wilson, who starred in Joe D’Amato’s Porno Nights of the World No. 2, certainly makes it adjacent to the Black Emanuelle series.  That makes it close enough for me. 

Wilson is as intriguing as always, even if her sex scenes are filmed indifferently.  The highlight is when she gets to second base with a lesbian while riding horseback.  The finale where she dons a black hood as is passed around like a party favor is decent too.

Too bad the pacing is on the slow side as it’s padded with long establishing shots and draggy scenes of Wilson walking through the streets of Paris.  (The score is pretty snappy though.)  The twist ending is kind of dark too, and while it doesn’t really stick the landing, I admire the attempt to do something a little different with the typical formula. 

Wilson gets the best line of the movie when she tells her co-worker the sex club has “Hot and cold running sex!”

AKA:  Queen of Sex.

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