Wednesday, May 29, 2024




Stuart Whitman and Laura Gemser are two strangers fleeing unhappy relationships.  They meet while hitchhiking and relate flashbacks to one another.  Eventually, the pair fall in love… or at least… in lust with each other. 

Despite the antics of two dopey truckers getting laid by a woman who turns tricks out of an auto parts store, this is a slow-moving melodrama for the most part.  At least Gemser has a couple of solid nude scenes that keep you from becoming completely disinterested.  One memorable bit involves her trying on apparel in front of her real-life hubby, Gabriele Tinti, before he seductively dresses her in her new garments.  Other decent sequences involve her going for a literal roll in the hay and encountering a sex guru.  

Laura spends a lot of screen time wearing a sharp looking fedora and is dubbed by a woman with a thick Midwest accent, which is good for a laugh or two if you ask me.  In addition to Tinti, the movie also manages to keep the animal cruelty motif of the series going with the scene where alligators are hunted.  To add to the tastelessness, this scene is intercut with Laura banging a one-legged man.  You know, because nothing gets you going like scenes of an amputee busting his nut while gators are being killed.  Speaking of editing, the back-and-forth structure doesn’t do the film any favors either.  To add insult to injury, the scenes with Whitman and Gemser are kinda dull, and they have zero chemistry together. 

Even with the gratuitous nudity by Laura, the film just isn’t nearly as exploitative (or fun) as the best of the fake Emanuelle movies.  (Thankfully, Whitman keeps his clothes on.)  While there are a few nice moments here, overall, this Emanuelle feels like she came from a temperate zone rather than a hot country. 

AKA:  Fury.  AKA:  Emotional Exchange.  AKA:  Woman from the Torrid Land.

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