Saturday, January 26, 2019


A warlord wants to get his hands on a sacred seal and will do anything to get it.  Two drifters come to town… well… they climb over a mountain to get to town, so they don’t exactly “drift”.  Anyway, they arrive in town and begin stirring up trouble.  Before long, they are locked in a bitter struggle for control of the seal.

If that plot description seems kind of vague, it’s because there’s very little plot here.  Because of that, the fight scenes occur every ten minutes or so.  Basically, our heroes will bust out a bunch of chopsocky on the bad guy’s henchmen and smash the skulls of their enemies against a wall until they’re good and bloody.  This makes bad guy pace back and forth a lot before he nervously barks out orders and sends more men to stop them.

Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be a bad thing.  If it was just the plot that was unmemorable it would’ve been okay, but since most of the fights are interchangeable, Duel in Tigers Den winds up being slight and forgettable.  The few scenes that stick out in your memory are decent, although they aren’t enough to put it over the top.  The best moment is the fight in a lumberyard where someone is impaled on a forklift.  We also get a big brawl on top of a train.  Even though this sequence features a nice change of scenery (not to mention a cameo by Bruce Li), it’s obvious no one is going to get hurt since the train moves REALLY slow.

AKA:  Duel in the Tiger Den.  AKA:  Macho Man.

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