Monday, May 17, 2021

SUPER RIDER (1975) ***

Lots of boats and planes go missing in the Bermuda Triangle.  It seems fairly obvious it’s the work of a giant robot... right?  A brilliant professor then assembles a team to pilot their own giant robot to defeat the bad robot. 


Super Rider (which is the actual on screen title, though it appears on Tubi under the name The Iron Superman) features some of the worst special effects I have ever seen.  The robots look like toys bought from a 5 and 10 store.  The models are a complete joke.  The scaling is hilariously wrong.  


I kind of loved it. 


Super Rider must’ve been edited from a TV show as it jumps around quite a bit.  First, our hero is hired to man the giant robot.  Then, he’s apparently part of a team of robot pilots in the next scene.  The fact the dialogue is dubbed into German and presented with poorly translated English subtitles adds to the overall hallucinatory experience. 


The villain is hilarious too.  He looks like a wizard with Troll doll hair, and one of his pet giant robot’s weapons is an oversized wagon wheel.  He even has a goon squad who dress up like a football team and kick exploding footballs at our hero. 


The good guys have their fair share of lunacy as well.  Their robot, “Super Weapon” oddly has the initials “MB'' on its belt.  I mean, shouldn’t the initials be “SW”?  Its big move is to fire rockets out of its nipples, which… I mean… why not?  There’s also a comedic cop sidekick named “Porky” who flies in a hot air balloon motorcycle.  Speaking of cool vehicles, our hero also drives around in a Mach 5-style car.  In one scene, he drives it right up inside of Super Weapon’s butt!  


Although the budget for the robot battles was only about $4.25, they are nevertheless fun to watch.  The villainous robots have a variety of weapons like giant maces, drill arms, and psychedelic freeze rays.  While some of the fights get a bit repetitive, I can’t help but love any movie that features a scene in which a giant robot is crucified by the villains and later returns to life to kick ass.  That’s right, folks, we’re talking about Robot Jesus here. 


The cherry on top is the hilarious dialogue.  I’m sure a lot of things got lost in translation, but that only adds to the fun.  My favorite line was when Porky was talking to the heroes about the evil football team and said, “These guys are unfettered by scruples!”


AKA:  The Iron Superman. 

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