Friday, January 21, 2022

FREAKY (2020) *** ½

You can tell the filmmakers really wanted to make Freaky Friday the 13th, a mashup of Freaky Friday and Friday the 13th.  The fact that Freaky Friday is owned by Disney and Friday the 13th is owned by Paramount (not to mention the fact it was made at Universal) probably prevented an official crossover from taking place.  That didn’t stop them from making the movie though, as they tweaked things just enough to avoid a lawsuit (or two).

“The Blissfield Butcher” (Vince Vaughn) is a serial killer who wears a wooden mask that is shaped very similarly to Jason’s.  Every Homecoming, he murders high school students in a small town.  When he stabs the Final Girl, Millie (Kathryn Newton) with a magic knife, they swap bodies.  Since the killer is in the body of a beautiful high school girl, she pretty much has free reign to go around and kill.  It’s then up to the Butcher to convince Millie’s friends it’s really her in his body before more people wind up dead.

The opening scene has a very cool Friday the 13th vibe and features some world-class kills that involve a bottle of wine, a toilet seat, and a tennis racket.  It would’ve been interesting to see how this would’ve played out if it was a legit Jason movie.  I mean the Friday the 13th series has already ripped off Frankenstein, Carrie, The Hidden, Evil Dead, and Alien, so ripping off Freaky Friday isn’t too much of a stretch.

However, if this was an official sequel, we would’ve been swindled out of a great performance by Vince Vaughn.  He’s intimidating as the killer, but once he becomes host to Newton’s character, he is a real treat to watch.  He resists the temptation to playing a caricature and exudes an air of femineity that is just pitch perfect.  Likewise, Newton is a lot of fun as the hulking killer trapped in a teenage girl’s body.  Her body language and facial expressions while having to put up with her annoying classmates and teachers are priceless.  I can’t quite say it’s as good as Travolta or Cage playing each other in Face/Off, but it’s definitely up there. 

Some touches will make you scratch your head.  Like why does the school have a cryogenic freezer in the girls’ locker room?  The answer of course, is that if there wasn’t a cryogenic freezer in the girls’ locker room, then they couldn’t have done a homage to Jason X, that’s why.  While the film is a lot of fun, at one-hundred-and-two minutes, it’s a little on the long side and probably has one climax too many.  These are really minor quibbles in the long run, especially seeing how Freaky adheres to the Video Vacuum’s #1 Horror Movie Rule:  If you’ve got to cut someone in half, cut them in half LENGTHWISE.

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