Thursday, March 14, 2024

MAD MAXINE (2023) * ½

Maxine (Kristen Lundberg) is the last woman on Earth, which means it’s been a long time since she’s had herself a man.  Too bad she spends most of her time holed up in a bunker and killing zombies.  Maxine’s situation changes for the better when she finally finds a zombie with a hard-on. 

The title Mad Maxine might make you think you’re in for a no-budget gender-swapped version of Mad Max.  Sadly, that is totally not the case.  In fact, if you watch this, it might make you madder than Maxine.

It seems like somewhere along the way, the filmmakers lost focus.  It’s only forty-two minutes long, but it still suffers from some gratuitous padding.  Since Maxine was a writer before the apocalypse, she spends most of her days writing.  Unfortunately, we are forced to watch vignettes and sketches of her work.  None of this is remotely entertaining and doesn’t amount to much except for a few bad SNL skits.  The subplot about two women who are still making exercise videos even after the apocalypse is OK though.  It's just that it feels like it came out of an entirely different movie. 

At least this portion of the film fits the context of the post-apocalyptic setting better than the scenes of the wine moms gossiping poolside while their bored kids look on.  Or the part with the dude bro hanging out and getting high in LA and having freak-outs about Marilyn Monroe.  In fact, the whole thing feels like a collection of shorts that were cobbled together and passed off as a Mad Max rip-off.   Which is another way of saying it’s more or less insufferable.

I mean if you’re going to make what amounts to a collection of sketches and skits, at least advertise as such.  Don’t sucker fools like me into thinking they’re getting a post-apocalyptic comedy.  Sure, that’s one tiny sliver of the plot, but it’s not nearly enough to make it worth watching. 

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