Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Soldier (Lorenzo Lamas) witnesses two people overdose on cocaine cut with rat poison and decides to take matters into his own hands.  He knocks on the dealers’ door, guns them down, and is promptly arrested.  He is then sent to a mental institution where the other patients quickly take a shine to him.  They eventually agree to help him escape so he can burn the pushers’ operation to the ground.

Snakeeater’s Revenge is, of course, the sequel to Lorenzo Lamas’ immortal Snakeeater.  It’s not as off-the-chain awesome as the other entries in the series, but there’s plenty of fun to be had.  I mean it’s hard not to love a movie that has characters named Soldier, Torchy (Ron Palillo), and Speedboat (Larry B. Scott).  Besides, any film that can combine elements from Death Wish and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is OK by me.

While Snakeeater’s Revenge is more routine than its predecessor, it does have at least one jaw-dropping bonkers moment.  Naturally, I’m referring to the scene where Soldier faces off against a hulking opponent in what can only be described as Wheelchair Thunderdome.  If you thought the wheelchair race in Days of Thunder was awesome, wait till you get a load of this!

Snakeeater’s Revenge gives Lamas another opportunity to shine.  He gets plenty of funny one-liners and garners some laughs while flirting with his shrink.  (The ink blot scene is memorable.)  Scott makes for a likeable sidekick, but Kathleen Kinmont (Lama’s then-wife) isn’t really given anything to do as a detective on the case.

AKA:  Snake Eater 2:  The Drug Buster.  AKA:  Vengeance of Fire:  Cobra Killer 2.  AKA:  Soldier.  

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