Saturday, December 30, 2023


From the looks of things, I thought this was going to be Charles Band’s riff on M3GAN, given his propensity for movies about killer dolls.  As it turns out, it’s a different animal altogether.  AIMEE isn’t a killer doll, but an AI program who, according to the opening title card, is the first AI generated actress in film history. 

A hacker named Keyes (Dallas Schaefer) receives a package containing a highly advanced AI named AIMEE.  She looks like a slightly more sophisticated version of one of those video poker dealers and basically acts like Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie.  (She even goes so far as to call Keyes, “Master”.)  AIMEE eventually falls in love with Keyes and protects him by killing FBI agents who try to hack into his system.  Naturally, when Keyes gets a flesh and blood girlfriend (Faith West), AIMEE becomes jealous and goes on a killing spree. 

AI is a very hot subject nowadays, and I’m sure there was a kernel of a good idea lurking somewhere in the script.  However, all the scenes of Keyes doing his computer hacker shit feels like something out of a ‘90s movie.  Likewise, the film itself resembles a throwback to Band’s old Full Moon movies like The Killer Eye.  That’s not exactly a bad thing, but I think the script could’ve used an upgrade.  Sure, there are some amusing bits here, like when AIMEE connects to a Roomba and turns it to a killing machine.  It’s just that it doesn’t help when most of the movie is devoted to interchangeable scenes of a guy talking to his computer monitor.  

Maybe if this was more in the vein of a Surrender Cinema movie it would’ve been more effective.  There are a couple of nude scenes (West looks particularly great), but if Band amped up the sexual tension, it could’ve been an OK updating of all those ‘90s Skinamax flicks.  (Essentially swapping out the VR gimmick for AI.)  I did like the part where AIMEE analyzed her master’s porn-watching data and created his “ultimate” fantasy though.

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