Thursday, December 7, 2023


I think this might be a cinematic first.  A sequel that’s a sequel to a sequel.  I know all sequels after Part 3 are technically sequels to sequels, but this is a legitimate sequel to a sequel that carries on the plot of that film.  I guess maybe you could throw in those X-Men 1.5 and Spider-Man 2.1 DVDs, but those were more director’s cuts than new films.  Speaking of Marvel there’s been a lot of talk lately about comic book franchise fatigue.  You want to talk about “franchise fatigue”?  Try sitting through nine Camp Blood movies in five days. 

This one starts with a couple going to a bar and asking the bartender about the legend of Camp Blood.  Here, we get the requisite flashbacks you’d expect from a Camp Blood movie (which fortunately for the audience includes more footage of Tina Krause that wasn’t present in the Tubi version of the original Camp Blood 666).  Then the plot begins. 

It seems they’re reopening Camp Blood again and Satanist George Stover is having none of it.  He orders his psycho clown mask-wearing son to go on a rampage.  Meanwhile, a witch controls another clown mask-wearing psycho to do her bidding.  When a church group goes to the camp for a retreat, they run into not one, but two killer clowns. 

There was a funny scene early on that gave me hope.  It comes when the killer sees one of his sexy past victims (Mel Heflin) appearing as both an angel and a devil, just like an old Bugs Bunny cartoon.  Sadly, that’s about as good as it ever got though.  From there, it was mostly a slog. 

The big problem is the long sequence where the church group gets hammered at the local watering hole and starts causing trouble.  This scene goes on forever and pretty much stops the movie dead in its tracks.  At least it culminates with two of the drunk ladies showering together. 

Despite the fact there’s two killer clowns in this one, the gore is pretty weak and many of the kills feel rushed.  The lowlight is the really cheesy arm ripping scene complete with awful green screen effects and chintzy CGI.  The titular exorcism is painfully anticlimactic too.  With any luck, this will be the last chapter in the Camp Blood saga.  Then again, probably not.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this one was pretty good aside from that one overlong scene.
