Monday, February 5, 2024




(As posted on January 8th, 2020)

A gang of lepers break out of a sanitarium, spreading terror throughout the west.  Or… I guess it would be south since it takes place in Mexico.  Anyway, some bandits stumble upon the lepers hiding in a cave and trick them into joining forces.  The befuddled sheriff eventually enlists the help of everyone’s favorite luchador, El Santo to stop the bandits and make sure the lepers receive proper medical treatment.

Unfortunately, El Santo doesn’t show up until about the twenty-five-minute mark.  Till then, you’re (pardon the pun) saddled with a lot of boring western subplots and low rent cowboy action.  The fact the villains are deformed lepers gives this entry a slight element of horror, but the special effects just make it look like they’ve got wads of chewed-up bubble gum stuck to their faces. 

Not only does Santo vs. the Riders of Terror suffer from a decided lack of the Silver Masked One, it’s painfully low on wrestling action.  There’s only one wrestling scene in the entire film, but it’s a pretty funny one.  A big bully challenges any man who can take him on and offers a cash reward to the winner.  After the oaf polishes off a few would-be wrestlers, El Santo hops in the ring and cleans his clock and gives the prize money to a trio of nuns. The shots of the nuns wildly cheering El Santo on is one of the best moments in the whole movie. 

While it’s fun seeing El Santo fighting in a wrestling ring set up in the middle of a western town (not to mention riding a horse), it’s just a shame you’ve got to sit through a lot of dull cowboy shit to get to it.  The worst El Santo movies deliberately keep him off the screen for big chunks at a time.  That certainly describes this one.  In fact, it sometimes feels like you could edit him out of the picture entirely as the sheriff does a lot of the leg work, especially early on.  

It also loses points for not letting El Santo ride off into the sunset while someone asks, “Who was that masked man?”  Then again, they might have for all I know.  The version I saw didn’t have any subtitles. 

Sure, much of Santo vs. the Riders of Terror is a slog, but it’s probably the best Mexican Wrestler vs. Cowboy Lepers movie I’ve ever seen. 

AKA:  The Lepers and Sex.


Like the other movies on the El Santo Blu-Ray set from VCI, this has a new English title sequence.  However, the title card for this one is misspelled as “Santo VERSES the Riders of Terror”!  The dubbing is just as bad, if not, worse than the other films on the set, and some of the haphazardly translated dialogue is a hoot.  (“FREAKIN’ GODDAMN IT!”)  The first time I watched this, it didn’t have subtitles, so I unfortunately missed out on priceless dialogue like, “Since I’ve started down this path, I’ve forgotten about my conscience!”  A couple of choice lines of dialogue is not enough to bump up the rating, but it’s still good for a couple chuckles. 

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