Tuesday, September 17, 2024

AQUASLASH (2020) ***

You know, I’ve never really thought about it, but a water park is an ideal location for a horror movie.  Like lakeside summer camps and sunny beaches, it’s a perfect place for horny scantily clad teens to run around, fornicate, and get hacked up.  It’s a wonder the genre hasn’t taken full advantage of the idea sooner. 

True to form, Aquaslash has plenty of scenes of hot babes in wet bikinis sliding down water slides in slow motion.  As an added bonus, we even get an ‘80s style wet T-shirt car wash scene in there for good measure.  It also delivers on the gore, which is always something that’s appreciated in a good old-fashioned throwback genre flick. 

Thirty-five years ago, there was a murder at a water park.  Cut to present day, and a bunch of high school graduates are having their senior trip at the park.  Little do they know someone has sabotaged one of the water slides and has turned it into a slicing and dicing killing machine. 

The best aspect of Aquaslash is its short running time.  Writer/director Renaud Gauthier must’ve had a feeling that the premise was thin to begin with, so he kept things humming along at a brisk seventy-one minutes.  Because of that, he doesn’t gum up the works… or clog up the filter as the case may be.  The climactic sequence of the sabotaged slide slicing teens into freshly cut briskets is a real winner, even if that’s where most of the body count comes from.  I mean it would’ve been nice if there had been a little more invention elsewhere in the film (or at least more opportunities to turn the seniors into chop suey).   That being said, it’s hard to complain when the movie ends with dozens of severed limbs bobbing up and down around the park. 

AKA:  Aquaflush.

1 comment:

  1. The German slasher movie "The Pool" takes place in an indoor waterpark.
