Monday, September 16, 2024



The Female Executioner begins with Brigitte Lahaie naked in a hot tub, and if there’s a better way to start a movie, I’ll be damned if I can think of it. 

Lahaie stars as a tough cop who busts a lady kingpin for the kidnapping of a young girl.  Her crazy son retaliates by kidnapping Brigitte’s sister.  When the sly villainess double crosses Brigitte and kills her sister, Lahaie goes out for revenge. 

The Female Executioner is essentially a French version of an American style action movie with the novelty of a female porn star in the lead role.  Lahaie is essentially Dirty Harriet as she bends the rules to put the bad guys away.  Since it’s Lahaie in the lead, that means she also gets some gratuitous sex scenes.  I’d like to see Clint Eastwood try that.  (On second thought, I’d rather not.)

We all know Brigitte is more than capable in between the sheets, but she’s equally impressive when she hits the streets.  She handles herself quite nicely in her action scenes and is quite convincing when kicking ass.  She even has a cool gimmick of not using guns… that is until her sister is killed.  Then she has no problem blowing away scumbags.  I believe that’s what the highbrow critics call a “character arc”.

It’s not all great, however. The plot gets kinda fractured in the third act and it sometimes feels like the production might’ve run out of time or money (or both).  The music is pretty bad too as it sounds like something you’d hear on the local nightly news.  That in no way should stop you from seeing it, especially if you’re a fan of Brigitte as she is simply dynamite.  It’s almost enough to make you wish she found a second career as an action heroine. 

AKA:  Miss Magnum.

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