Tuesday, September 17, 2024




(As posted on September 4th, 2009)

A stripper on her way to her latest gig gets kidnapped by some bozos at the airport.  They take her out to the desert where she escapes in her underwear.  While eluding capture, the stripper often finds time to bathe naked in a stream and daydream about taking her clothes off.  Meanwhile, the owner of the strip club is worried because she hasn’t showed up, so he puts a lot of dancing girls in her place (one of which dresses like an Indian).  Just when the kidnapper looks like he’s catching up to the ditzy dancer, an escaped sideshow geek jumps in and kills him.  The lecherous freak then pursues the chick to an amusement park where she hides in the Wild Mouse rollercoaster.  The geek chases after the gal but comes to an untimely end when he gets run over by the Wild Mouse car.
Passion in the Sun is a mostly dull nudie flick made up of boring striptease routines.  The “plot” stuff is nothing but stupid chase scenes that are accompanied by some of the worst incidental music I’ve ever heard.  The reason I sorta dug it was because the final Wild Mouse chase is awesome.  When I was growing up, there was a Wild Mouse ride at our local amusement park that sat dormant for what seemed like forever.  Supposedly that was because someone died on it.  Just the thought that somebody could die on something that was intended to be fun kinda fucked me up as a kid and turned me off rollercoasters for a long time.  Seeing the old Wild Mouse ride (and more importantly the ominous looking mascot) in its heyday sparked a bunch of childhood nostalgia for me that no doubt added an extra ½ * or two to my review.  (Seeing someone getting killed on said coaster was pretty cool too.)  If of course you don’t share my enthusiasm for ancient amusements of a bygone era and are watching this thing for its intended arousal purposes, you’re going to be severely disappointed.
AKA:  Passion of the Sun.  AKA:  The Girl and the Geek.

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