Monday, September 23, 2024




(As posted on March 2nd, 2013)

A rocketship crash lands in a small California town. A slow-moving monster emerges from the craft and creeps around town eating various citizens who are unfortunate enough to be lying on the ground and/or severely motion-impaired and/or dumb enough to stand still and allow the monster to devour them. A scientist and a newlywed cop team up to take the monster down.

The Creeping Terror has all the ingredients for a great B movie. It has awful acting, an intrusive narrator that’s constantly talking over the action, and one of the worst monsters of all time. This thing looks like a giant walking carpet. You won’t believe it.

The scenes of people dragging themselves into the creature’s mouth are unforgettable. The long lingering shots of women’s legs slowly being devoured are hilarious. There are tons of these shots in the movie, yet somehow, they never get old (at least to me).

The narrator’s intrusive ramblings are another story. The long scenes of the narrator talking over the silent footage of the actors gets a little unbearable after a while. And oddly enough, there are some scenes that are in desperate need of narration, but the narrator is nowhere to be found!

Despite the overall creaky nature of the film, The Creeping Terror has plenty of WTF moments to keep you entertained. There’s a long scene of a mother taking her child’s temperature with a rectal thermometer. Then there’s the fat fisherman who falls into a creek and slowly awaits his eminent death. But by far my favorite scene is the hilarious dance party. It features some of the whitest white people doing some of the whitest white people dancing the screen has ever seen. Plus, the terrifically terrible music playing in the background will get stuck in your head for days.

AKA: Dangerous Charter. AKA: The Crawling Monster.

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