Monday, September 9, 2024



The Duct Tape Killer begins with Tina Krause taking a shower in real time, and if there’s a better way to start a movie, I’ll be damned if I can think of it.  Afterwards, she is chloroformed by a creep (writer/director William Hellfire), who despite his perv status, sports a pretty sweet Ghidrah T-shirt.  Once she’s out cold, he undresses her and duct tapes her to a chair.  Later, the killer finds another victim (also played by Krause), chloroforms her, undresses her, and duct tapes her (this time on a sofa).  Then… SURPRISE!  It was all a dream!  Or was it a premonition?

This was the first volume of WAVE’s “Real Crime Videos”.  While it is basically just a skeevy fetish video parading as a true crime story, it is surprisingly effective.  The chloroforming and duct taping scenes are more or less shown in real time with few edits, which adds to the dingy atmosphere.  The crude videography also enhances the grimy feel and works much better than if they had used professional equipment.  I will say that some of the music in the second duct tape sequence feels out of place as it sounds like something you would hear in a kids’ movie when the clumsy villain tries to sneak up on a talking dog or something.  (Speaking of which, the same dog barks in the background throughout the entire movie, which adds to the homegrown feel.)

I’ll be the first to admit that a little of this goes a long way.  In fact, it might’ve been better if it was just a short and the second sequence had been removed entirely.  But let’s face it.  At the end of the day, this movie is solely designed as an excuse to show Tina Krause naked, and we’re grading it solely on those merits, then it’s pretty hard to beat. 

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