Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Chelsea Mundae (Misty Mundae’s real-life sister) and her gal pal Leslie Loves rent a horror movie and make fun of it, Mystery Science Theater-style.  Little do they know a real killer (writer/director William Hellfire) is lurking inside the house.  He gets the drop on the girls and makes them chloroform each other at gunpoint.  Eventually, they pass out and the wacko ties the girls up and prepares to do them even more harm. 

Going Under is essentially a fetish video for a fetish I didn’t know existed.  Girls being tied up?  I get that.  Girls being forced to chloroform each other against their will?  Well… that’s a new one on me.  Now, far be it from me to kink shame, but speaking as someone who was unaware of this fetish, I have to say, it’s all handled reasonably well.  I mean, if this is what you’re in to, then you will undoubtedly get your rocks off from this movie. 

It helps that Hellfire manages to bring an element of suspense to the picture.  The early scenes of the heroines watching a slasher movie while the killer is right behind them play like a SOV version of Scream.  This sequence is surprisingly effective and nicely sets the tone for what’s to come.  Even though it is shot on video, it’s all fairly high quality as far as this stuff goes. 

The cast is better than expected too.  Writer/director/star William Hellfire is quite good as the creepy, cackling killer.  Chelsea and Leslie are equally strong as the seemingly capable captives who slowly bend to the will of their tormentor.  The short running time helps too, and you have to give Hellfire credit for not pointlessly dragging things out.  When your movie has such a thin (albeit novel) premise, it’s always a smart move to quit while you’re ahead. 

A sequel, starring Misty Mundae, soon followed.

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