Tuesday, October 8, 2024


A gothic horror movie based on an Edgar Allan Poe story, produced by Mel Gibson, directed by Brad Anderson, and packed to the gills with terrific actors?  How come I’m just now hearing about it? 

At the turn of the century (you know I’m old when I refer to 1899 as “the turn of the century”), a young idealistic doctor (Jim Sturgess) comes to work at a creepy asylum in the middle of nowhere.  He soon learns the head quack (Ben Kingsley) has an unorthodox manner of treating patients.  Instead of curing them of their delusions, he encourages them.  Jim also finds it funny that all the patients happen to come from money and have only been put away because they’re an embarrassment to their families.  He soon falls for a sexy patient, and since she’s played by Kate Beckinsale, we can’t blame him.  Eventually he learns that… GASP!  The lunatics are running the asylum! 

That last bit isn’t really a spoiler since it happens in the first act.  (Heck, Sturgess even says “the lunatics are running the asylum” when he learns the truth.)  However, the suspense comes from how long Sturgess can play along with the kooky doctor until he figures a way to escape without being found out by the other inmates. 

Overall, this is a mostly sturdy mix of wry humor and old school gothic horror.  It’s PG-13, so there’s nothing overly horrific here.  (It also uses its one allotted F-bomb extremely well.)  If there is a flaw, it’s that it runs on a bit long, and the final twist wasn’t completely necessary.  Nevertheless, it’s a handsomely mounted and well-acted affair. 

Kingsley looks like he’s having a blast chewing the scenery.  David Thewlis is likewise having fun as his smarmy assistant, Mickey Finn.  (Yes, THE Mickey Finn!)  Beckinsale is fetching as the object of Sturgess’ affection and Michael Caine has some nice moments as the former head doctor who is now imprisoned by the cuckoo Kingsley.  Sturgess is a bit of a stuffed shirt in the lead, but that helps to contrast the antics of the inmates. 

AKA:  Eliza Graves.  AKA:  Hysteria.  AKA:  The Asylum.

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