Monday, October 21, 2024




(As posted on December 29th, 2007)

I just looked up the definition of requiem in the dictionary.  I quote:
Requiem:  1.  A mass for a deceased person.  2.  A musical composition for such a mass.  3.  A hymn, composition, or service for the dead. 
All these definitions are fitting for this movie because after viewing it, I can say with great certainty that both beloved franchises are officially dead as doornails.  You can send flowers or donations to the families via 20th Century Fox Studios, Hollywood California. 
It seems that the movie as a whole just…
It seems that Christmas Day, a time usually reserved for tidings of cheer and goodwill has turned into a time of mourning for lovers of the two series.  Separately the two icons of sci-fi and horror were world renown and loved by legions of fans.  But it was in the summer of 2004 when they met and found true love.  Sadly, their bliss was to be short lived.  Three years later they would be brutally murdered in a tragically unjust way by what police are now calling Aliens vs. Predator:  Requiem. 
Murder suspects wanted for questioning in the deaths of both Alien and Predator franchises include directors The Brothers Strause, screenwriter Shane Salerno and various members of the cast. 
It is believed by witnesses that the so-called “directors” murdered the franchise by deviating from the traditional slow build-up of suspense inherent in the material.  Allegedly the Strauses thought it would be wiser to constantly show us the Aliens and Predator running around without the benefit of A) mood, B) convincing lighting, or C) fleeting glimpses of the creatures which would eventually lead up to the bravura reveal of the two titans of terror, but that was not the case.  A leading criminologist tells this news team that the brothers, two special effects make-up men, were ill-equipped to work with any of the actors that weren’t totally encased in a rubber suit.  These progressive feelings of inadequacy towards the cast combined with a toddler’s understanding of how to film an action sequence led to the pair’s downfall and caused them to allow the movie to quote:  SUCK HARDCORE.  The Brothers Strause (Real names:  Colin and Greg) are also wanted on a misdemeanor count of necrophilia for raping the corpses of the two victims.  It is also believed unofficially that the duo are also wanted on an additional charge of lewd behavior for defecating on the remains of the Alien legacy and wiping their hindquarters with what was left of the Predator franchise.  A detective on the case revealed to us that the crime scene “Made Paul WS Anderson look like James Cameron.”
Also wanted for questioning is screenwriter Shane Salerno.  Salerno is thought to have aided and abetted the Strauses by writing a screenplay that was so spectacularly inept that it featured postage stamp thin characters, disregarded all sense and logic, and contained THE most abrupt, anticlimactic, stupidest ending since Jaws the Revenge.  Salerno is also wanted on charges of writing such dialogue such as “Don’t crash!”, “This hat makes me look stupid!”, and “The government doesn’t lie to people!”
Cinema Police are also on the lookout for the following cast members:  Steve Pasquale, Reiko Aylesworth, John Ortiz, Johnny Lewis and Robert Joy.  Pasquale is wanted for having the charisma of a Pringles chip, Aylesworth is wanted for being out acted by her tank top, Ortiz will be brought up on charges of being THE most ineffectual sheriff in movie history, but it is thought that Lewis may get off on a technicality because his screen presence was so transparent it may be difficult for a jury to prove he was actually in the movie.  It is also believed that even if Joy is convicted, he’ll receive a Presidential pardon for his stellar work in Death Wish V:  The Face of Death as the transvestite hitman with chronic dandruff.  One eyewitness said of the acting, “I’ve seen Dexy’s Midnight Runners videos with better acting than this film.”
If you happen to see Aliens vs. Predator:  Requiem (or as it’s known on the streets, AVP-R), the police advise you NOT to tell anyone as it may shame you for your entire life.
… I mean the filmmakers are SO clueless that they didn’t even remember that the title of the first film was ALIEN vs. Predator.  So wouldn’t that make this one ALIEN vs. Predator:  Requiem? 
That’s not to say there isn’t SOME fun to be had from the film.  The Hybrid Alien/Predator (it looks like Britney Spears with dreadlocks) is pretty cool, especially when French kissing pregnant women in the maternity ward, but one semi-neat biracial beastie can’t save the film. 

(2024 NOTE:  Yes, I know both franchises managed to survive this atrocity, but things certainly looked bleak back in ’07.)

1 comment:

  1. I saw this in theaters and had a great time, I thought it was a damn good movie and not an "Atrocity" at all, I enjoyed it more then the first AVP film, any movie that has the balls to kill both a kid and a pregnant woman gets mad respect from me.
