Wednesday, October 30, 2019

THE CARPENTER (1988) ***

Martin (Pierre Lenoir) comes home to find his wife Alice (Lynne Adams) cutting up his suits with a pair of scissors.  He does what any rational man would do in that situation:  Sends her to the nuthouse!  After the doctors treat her, Alice is released into Martin’s care and the pair move into an old house.  It’s a bit of a fixer upper as there are workman in and out of the place all day.  However, at night, one lone carpenter (Wings Hauser) works alone in the basement restoring the home to its original condition.  He also brutally murders anyone who messes with the still mentally fragile Alice.  Is he a figment of her imagination?  Or is he a vengeful spirit from beyond the grave?

The Carpenter is a surprising, low key, but effective horror film.  I hesitate to call it a horror comedy, but the humor in the film is really well done.  Wings in particular gets plenty of laughs with his off-kilter line readings.

What makes his performance so great is that he COULD have went overboard with the role, chewing the scenery like he did in Vice Squad.  Instead, he goes the other way with it, deftly underplaying the menace of the character.  This of course just makes his delivery even funnier.  When he tells someone, “Keep your hands to yourself” before cutting off their arms with a power saw, you laugh twice.  Once because, it’s a one-liner even Freddy Krueger would love, and the second because of the nonchalant way Wings delivers it.  

Hauer’s performance is pretty much the whole show.  For a die-hard Wings fan like me, that was more than enough.  Others may walk away feeling it’s a bit slight and lightweight.  I for one liked The Carpenter.  I’d say get HAMMERED and watch it.  You won’t be BOARD.  You’ll definitely be glad you SAW it.

AKA:  The Nightmare is Reviving.

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