Thursday, October 1, 2020


Well, folks.  It’s that time of year again.  Time to spend the whole month of October watching nothing but horror movies.  In previous years, I have watched nothing but horror sequels and movies from Netflix (Netflix and Kill) and Amazon Prime (Prime Evil).  This year, I will pretty much be bringing all those ideas into one theme which I call Scream and Stream Again. 

I resisted streaming movies online for a while now, but in the past year, mostly due to the pandemic, I would say that 80% of my movie-watching is done through a streaming service.  Whether it be on my smart TV, iPhone, or computer, sometimes it’s just easier (as much as it pains me to say it) to stream a movie than watch one the old-fashioned way.  Since there are so many streaming options out there, I thought I would broaden my horizons a bit.  In addition to the old reliable workhorses like Netflix and Prime, I will also be using as many different streaming services as possible.  I will also be sure to make a note of which service I streamed the film on in my review, just in case you want to check it out for yourself.

I will also be trying to watch as many horror sequels as possible in an effort to bridge any gaps in my horror franchise knowledge.  Not all of the films I watch as part of Scream and Stream Again will be sequels, but I am going to make an effort to watch a few sequels outside of the monthly theme under the usual 31 Days of Horror-Ween banner. 

So, what do you say?  Let’s get this thing underway!  And now… the streaming starts…

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