Friday, January 20, 2023


Michael (William Patrick Riley) and Kasey (Sasha Formoso) are a couple who move into a haunted house.  He’s a nerd and she’s hot, so naturally, she still hasn’t let him have sex with her yet.  That leaves Michael no other choice but to jerk off into his sock on a nightly basis.  He eventually decides to make a sex tape to chronicle their first time on film, but when a paranormal force begins to satisfy Kasey at night, he switches gears and tries to catch the ghost on tape.

I guess you have to hand it to the filmmakers for not taking the easy way out.  It would’ve been a lot cheaper and quicker to film Paranormal Whacktivity in the same Found Footage style of Paranormal Activity.  Instead, it’s a little bit more ambitious as it’s more of a mockumentary about the making of a haunted sex tape than just a random assortment of green-tinted shaky-cam sequences.  I’m not saying it works or anything, but I was at least grateful I didn’t have to sit through ninety minutes of sight gags and tomfoolery through the lens of grainy security footage and/or shaky-cam bullshit.

Let’s face it.  Most of this is dumb.  The sexual humor is hit and miss and the movie spoofs (of everything from Brokeback Mountain to The Hangover to even… Avatar?) fall flat.  Then again, what did you expect from a title like Paranormal Whacktivity?  

However, there are a few laughs here, which is more than I can say about a lot of these low budget sub-sub-Scary Movie spoofs.  (I liked the fact that the documentary film crew Michael hires comes complete with a bunch of grouchy Teamsters.)  The best character is a psychic played by Damitri Crayton, who is less of a Ghostbuster and more of an Ernie Hudson impersonator.  Even the director, Roger Roth seems to know when the movie is starting to run out of gas, so he appears on screen to call for more gratuitous T & A.  When you’ve watched as many bad spoofs as I have, you appreciate little moments like that.

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