Friday, January 20, 2023


Cassie (Sarah Allen) is a stripper with an asshole for a boyfriend (Jon Cor).  One night, they have a fight in his truck, and he leaves her stranded on the side of the road.  While roaming around looking for a ride, Cassie witnesses a drug deal gone wrong and winds up in possession of a duffel bag full of money and meth.  She has visions of making a clean break and heading off to Paris, but things become complicated when the rightful owners (Read:  Drug dealers) come looking for the money.  

Stripped Naked sure knows how to lure you in with a catchy title, but the whole thing is all tease and no please.  It thinks it’s A Simple Plan, but with Strippers, but there’s an overlying lack of urgency (not to mention skin) that makes all the double-crossing less than compelling.  The script is one-note and predictable, and the “twist” ending is more confounding than anything.   

The cast do what they can with such middling material.  Allen isn’t bad in the lead, but we never quite buy her switch from desperate stripper to cold, calculating murderer.  The only name in the cast is Linden (Mortal Kombat) Ashby who is kinda amusing as the drunk owner of the strip club.  Whenever he’s on screen, the film has a sleazy vibe that is sorely lacking elsewhere in the picture.

And that’s the biggest problem:  For a movie called Stripped Naked, there is precious little stripping here.  Not that a film needs nudity solely to be successful.  It’s just that you kind of expect it when the title in question is called Stripped Naked.  As it is, the only skin we get comes courtesy of a couple of strippers in the background.  I mean, they could’ve at the very least put the Allen on the pole.  

Maybe the title is supposed to be one of those metaphorical deals.  You know, like Cassie isn’t literally stripped naked.  It’s her morals that have stripped naked.  That might’ve been the case, but all I know is the flick would’ve been a heck of a lot better if she shed her clothes AND her morals.

AKA:  Body Killer.  

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