Thursday, October 12, 2023


From the outset, this looked like it was going to be Dustin Ferguson’s no-budget version of I Spit on Your Grave.  A woman (Jennii Caroline) is beaten and raped.  Afterwards, she goes home to pray.  Then… clips from Ferguson’s Night of the Clown are shown?  (We know it’s Night of the Clown because there’s a text at the bottom identifying the film.)  In it, some friends (one guy is inexplicably dressed like Madonna) hold a seance and resurrect a killer clown whose simple make-up is kind of effective (it’s a Leatherface mask painted up like clown).  He then kills a woman, and we cut back to Caroline praying some more while clips from Ferguson’s Camp Blood 4 play out.  This time, a different guy in another clown mask (which isn’t nearly as cool looking) kills people.  Then, in scenes from Blood Claws, a woman is stalked and murdered by an unseen killer.  Escape to Black Tree Forest features a scene of a killer in a Friday the 13th Part 2 inspired get-up chasing a woman through the woods.  In Silent Night Bloody Night 2 (one of the films I’ve actually seen although I don’t remember a thing about it), Santa Claus kills a naughty girl with a snow shovel.  Next up is Doll Killer in which a guy in a cheap Halloween mask kills a prostitute in an alley.  In The Dummy 2, a group of friends hold a (sigh) seance and resurrect a killer ventriloquist dummy who murders a woman in a Friday the 13th Part 4-inspired scene.  Faces of Dying finds a camcorder-wielding psycho stalking and stabbing an unsuspecting woman.  In Gloved Murderess, a woman kills herself with a kitchen knife.  (You know, for variety’s sake.)  Finally, our victim decides she’s had enough of clips from Dustin Ferguson movies, dons a nun’s habit (a la Ms. 45), and goes around shooting rapists.

This is the most inexplicable movie I have seen in some time.  It would be one thing if Ferguson made a clip show package of his old films, but to sneak them into something advertised as an I Spit on Your Grave knockoff (or a Ms. 45 knockoff depending on what title you saw it under) is positively stupefying.  Is he somehow punishing the viewer for wanting to see a good old-fashioned rape n’ revenge movie?  Or was Ferguson so high as a kite that forgot to make an actual movie and put in a bunch of clips from his other flicks as filler?  I’m not sure, but the results are baffling to say the least. 

I mean, if you knew you were gonna make a clip show movie, wouldn’t you… you know… put the best clips from your films in there?  The clips from Blood Claws features long scenes of a woman doing her homework by a koi pond, buying groceries, feeding her dog, and shots of her pulling out of not one but TWO parking spaces!  Then, they don’t even show her get killed.  What the fuck?

It’s a good thing this is only forty-five minutes long.  Then again, the repetitive nature of the film makes it feel much longer.  Since it’s solely comprised of scenes of women being stalked and killed you might start to think Ferguson’s only got one trick up his sleeve.  (Either that, or he reeeeaaallly hates women.)

AKA:  Ms. Vengeance.

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