Thursday, November 9, 2023


I never really got the whole rave thing.  People take a lot of drugs and listen to lots of terrible music.  So, it’s basically Disco without the mirror balls.  And the music and fashions are way worse.  And you’re dancing in a condemned building instead of Studio 54.  Doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time. 

A feuding couple goes to a rave.  Two minutes into the dance, she’s high as a kite and banging some other dude.  Not exactly marriage material, if you ask me.  Anyway, a few minutes later, she and a couple other ravers (including her understandably upset boyfriend) who all had partaken in an illicit party drug, wake up in an abandoned hospital where an axe murderer in a dog mask hunts them down and chops them up one by one. 

So, if you’re playing along at home, what we have here isn’t really a “Rave Party Massacre” as the “Massacre” occurs at a hospital.  It technically should be called Hospital Massacre, but I guess since there’s already a movie called Hospital Massacre, the filmmakers wanted to avoid confusion.  I suppose they could’ve called it Abandoned Hospital Massacre.  Or maybe Post-Rave Party Massacre, but now we’re just splitting hairs.  I guess when you start focusing on what the movie SHOULD be called, and not on the movie itself, it’s safe to say, it sucks. 

Oh, and the movie is set in 1992, for some reason.  There’s a lot of footage of George Bush and Bill Clinton on the tube, and there’s mention of Ruby Ridge too.  All of this is supposed to give the killer a murky motive for the killing, but about the third time you hear Bush’s “Thousand Points of Light” speech, you start to wonder if you haven’t accidentally switched channels to C-SPAN Retro.  Maybe in order to enjoy all this you have to be hopped up on X and waving Glo-Sticks around like a madman.

Well, that wasn’t exactly a “rave” review now, was it? 

AKA:  DeadThirsty.

1 comment:

  1. I like music played at raves but i'm not into doing drugs or getting drunk, this film was OK.
