A model poses topless alongside a gray faced mannequin in a tuxedo on a bedroom set for a photographer named Felix (Claus Tinney). After her session, a young naive model named Astrid (Angelica Wehbeck) comes to the studio and balks at posing nude for Felix. He then takes her to a party at a bordello to indoctrinate Astrid into the “world of sex and money” and tells her juicy stories about the various partygoers.
The first tale is about their rich host. He has trouble making it with women, so he keeps a young stud on hand to help ball his babes. The next story is about a nude model whose marriage was ruined when her husband learned what she did for a living. Another couple invites them to spend the night and eventually they wind up swapping partners. After that, we get a tale of how an innocent girl became a porn star. Then it’s Astrid’s turn to tell a story about her relationship with one of the party girls.
This is an uneven but sporadically entertaining West German softcore flick. It’s very episodic, but the vignettes are relatively fast moving and feature lots of skin. It’s not exactly bad per se. It’s just that it never really turns up the heat either. The big reason is that the fractured narrative prevents the film from ever gaining any real momentum.
The framework is ideal for an anthology movie as the partygoers have plenty of vices to fill an entire movie. Unfortunately, there’s no real meat to any of the stories and they are pretty much over before they really get going. Still, the speedy sixty-six-minute running time is appreciated. Then again, I can’t help but think that the film may have worked better with a slightly longer running time if it allowed the stories a little room to breathe.
Wehbeck makes for a fine leading lady too. It’s a shame she only made a handful of movies because she has a lovely screen presence here. She certainly has no qualms showing off her exquisite figure either. Whenever she’s on screen, Swingin’ Models is a swinging’ good time.
AKA: Bed Career.
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